Source code for cozify.http

"""Helper module for hub_api & cloud_api

    session(requests.Session): Global session used for communications.

import requests, json, jwt, os
from .Error import APIError
from jwt.exceptions import DecodeError
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
from urllib3.exceptions import TimeoutError, ConnectTimeoutError
from absl import logging

from cozify import config

session = requests.Session()
if 'TRAVIS' in os.environ:
    session.trust_env = False
if 'Proxies' in config.state:
    session.proxies = dict(config.state['Proxies'])
    logging.warning('Proxies in use: {0}'.format(session.proxies))
session.timeout = 10

cloud_base = ''
hub_http = 'http://'
hub_port = ':8893'
hub_base = '/cc/1.11'

[docs]def get(call, *, token, headers=None, params=None, **kwargs): """GET method for calling hub or cloud APIs. Args: call(str): Full API URL. token(str): Either hub_token or cloud_token depending on target of call. headers(dict): Any additional headers to add to the call. params(dict): Any additional URL parameters to pass. **remote(bool): If call is to be local or remote (bounced via cloud). **cloud_token(str): Cloud authentication token. Only needed if remote = True. """ return _call( method=session.get, call=call, token=token, headers=headers, params=params, **kwargs)
[docs]def put(call, payload, *, token, headers=None, params=None, **kwargs): """PUT method for calling hub or cloud APIs. Args: call(str): Full API URL. payload(str): json string to push out as the payload. token(str): Either hub_token or cloud_token depending on target of call. headers(dict): Any additional headers to add to the call. params(dict): Any additional URL parameters to pass. **remote(bool): If call is to be local or remote (bounced via cloud). **cloud_token(str): Cloud authentication token. Only needed if remote = True. """ return _call( method=session.put, call=call, token=token, headers=headers, params=params, payload=payload, **kwargs)
[docs]def post(call, *, token, headers=None, payload=None, params=None, **kwargs): """POST method for calling hub our cloud APIs. Args: call(str): Full API URL. payload(str): json string to push out as the payload. token(str): Either hub_token or cloud_token depending on target of call. headers(dict): Any additional headers to add to the call. params(dict): Any additional URL parameters to pass. **remote(bool): If call is to be local or remote (bounced via cloud). **cloud_token(str): Cloud authentication token. Only needed if remote = True. """ return _call(, call=call, token=token, headers=headers, params=params, payload=payload, **kwargs)
def _call(*, call, method, token, type=None, headers=None, params=None, payload=None, return_json=True, return_text=False, return_raw=False, **kwargs): """Backend for get & put Args: call(str): Full API URL. method(function): session.get|put function to use for call. token(str): Either hub_token or cloud_token depending on target of call. If the token isn't needed for the call you can specify None but must then specify argument type. type(str): Either: 'cloud' or 'hub'. Only needed if token is not provided. (Can be autodetected from token.) headers(dict): Any additional headers to add to the call. params(dict): Any additional URL parameters to pass. payload(str): json string to push out as any potential payload. return_json(bool): Return data interpreted as json. Defaults to True. return_text(bool): Return data as plain text. Defaults to False. return_raw(bool): Return requests.request object. Defaults to False. **remote(bool): If call is to be local or remote (bounced via cloud). **hub_token(str): Hub authentication token. **cloud_token(str): Cloud authentication token. Only needed if remote = True. **base(str): Override automatic base detection with a custom string. """ # Turn our call and kwargs data/metadata into a fully qualified URL and valid headers url, headers = _get_url( token=token, type=type, call=call, headers=headers, payload=payload, **kwargs) try: response = method(url, headers=headers, data=payload, params=params) except (RequestException, TimeoutError, ConnectTimeoutError) as e: # pragma: no cover raise APIError('connection failure', 'issues connecting to \'{0}\': {1}'.format(url, e)) from None if response.status_code == 200: if return_raw: return response if return_text: return response.text if return_json: return response.json() elif response.status_code == 410: raise APIError(response.status_code, 'API version outdated. Update python-cozify. %s - %s - %s' % (response.reason, response.url, response.text)) # pragma: no cover elif response.status_code == 403: raise APIError(response.status_code, 'Auth failure({0}). Headers: {1}, error: {2}'.format( response.url, response.request.headers, response.text)) # pragma: no cover else: logging.debug( 'Failed call: {4} type: {2}, headers: {0}, params: {3} and payload: {1}'.format( headers, payload, method, params, url)) raise APIError(response.status_code, '%s - %s - %s' % (response.reason, response.url, response.text)) def _get_url(call, headers, **kwargs): if headers is None: headers = {} else: headers = kwargs['headers'] # by default stick the token as auth and override with existing headers headers = {**{'Authorization': kwargs['token']}, **headers} # any payload is expected to be in json unless overriden with a custom header if kwargs['payload'] is not None: headers = {**{'content-type': 'application/json'}, **headers} # figure out the base needed for the call based on the call itself, token type and remoteness base = '' # If the call already has http in front, assume it needs no further mangling if not call.startswith('http'): if _is_cloud_token(kwargs['token'], kwargs['type']): base = cloud_base else: hub_base_local = hub_base # start with global default if 'base' in kwargs: # if overriden hub_base_local = kwargs['base'] if kwargs['remote']: # remote call if 'cloud_token' not in kwargs: raise AttributeError('Asked to do remote call but no cloud_token provided.') headers['Authorization'] = kwargs['cloud_token'] headers['X-Hub-Key'] = kwargs['hub_token'] base = cloud_base + 'hub/remote' + hub_base_local else: # local call if 'host' not in kwargs or kwargs['host'] is None: raise AttributeError('Asked to do local call but no host provided.') base = hub_http + kwargs['host'] + hub_port + hub_base_local if not base.startswith('http'): raise RuntimeError( 'Internal error, autodetecting full URL has failed, ended up with base: {0}'.format( base)) return base + call, headers def _is_cloud_token(token, type): if type is not None: if type == 'cloud': return True else: return False try: meta = jwt.decode(token, verify=False) except DecodeError as e: # if the token is broken let's claim it's a hub. logging.error('An invalid token was encountered: {0}'.format(e)) logging.debug('The invalid token was: {0}'.format(token)) return False if 'hub_name' in meta: return False else: return True